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Northwood Park Primary School
Proud to be part of the SHINE Academies Family
Collaborative - Courageous - Compassionate
“A different language is a different vision of life.”
- Frederico Fellini
Modern Foreign Langugaes
Here at Northwood Park Primary School we believe that Modern Foreign Languages are vital as they prepare pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world. Furthermore, the rise of international commerce means that pupils need to be equipped with the skills needed by the international workplace. Modern Foreign Languages promote initiative, confidence, independent learning and encourage diversity within the society. Overall, they provide a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for all pupils. The chosen language at Northwood Park Primary School is French.
Learn more about our vision for MFL and the impact it will have on our children.
Learn more about what topics we teach the children and the order in which we do them.
Medium Term Plans
Learn more about the specifics of what we teach in MFL and the skills children will learn from them.
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