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Our School
We are proud to be the combined effort of the whole Northwood Community. As a team, we work hard to make the most of every opportunity we have to learn, grow and pursue our passions. Find out about the Northwood Experience and what you will see when you walk through our doors.

"Jūs un jūsu prasmīgā personāla komanda veicina un veicina dinamisku un pozitīvu mācību kopienu."

Ofsted, 2017. gads

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SEND and Inclusion

At Northwood Park, we to provide an inclusive curriculum where all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential and to develop as happy and successful individuals.


"Jūs un jūsu prasmīgā personāla komanda veicina un veicina dinamisku un pozitīvu mācību kopienu."

Ofsted, 2017. gads

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"Skolēni ir entuziasma pilni un ļoti labi izturējušies. Es ļoti skaidri redzēju, cik jūs un jūsu darbinieki esat ieinteresēti skolēniem un viņu ģimenēm."

Ofsted, 2017


Our carefully designed curriculum offers a wide breath of knowledge that promotes creativity and critical thinking. It is enhanced to celebrate and meet the needs of our specific community. 

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At NPPS, we are committed to protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of health and/or development, ensuring that children grow up in the provision of safe and effective care and taking action to enable all children to have the best life chances.

'The Family Liaison team are like a second family to my child. We moved house a few miles away, but we know that this is the best place, so we still come here.'

Parent, Year 3 2023

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The Early Years Foundation Stage at Northwood Park prides itself on building the foundation for our children to learn, develop and prosper

"Ir patiesas slāpes pēc lasīšanas, kas tiek labi popularizēta un atspoguļo skolēnu labos sasniegumus. Grāmatām ir ļoti liela nozīme skolēnu lasīšanas mīlestības veicināšanā un attīstīšanā."

External report. 2023

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Latest News

Keep up to date with everything going on at Northwood park and the success of our children

'I know what my best looks like and I have the tools do my best even under pressure.

Even when we face a challenge, we do it with a smile on our face. That's the Northwood Park way.'

Pupil, Year 5 2023

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"Jūs un jūsu prasmīgā personāla komanda veicina un veicina dinamisku un pozitīvu mācību kopienu."

Ofsted, 2017. gads


Everything parents need to know, from term dates, uniform and Afterschool clubs

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"Līderi un darbinieki novērtē skolēnu darbu un centienus un motivē viņus gūt panākumus un baudīt izglītību."

Ofsted, 2017. gads


 It is our aim that every pupil who attends Northwood Park not only receives an outstanding education, but also has access to fantastic extra curricular studies and activities

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"Vecāki un aprūpētāji piekrīt,
pareizi, ka tas ir labi
skola ar dažiem
izcilas īpašības"

Ofsted, 2017. gads

Contact Us

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