Northwood Park Primary School
Proud to be part of the SHINE Academies Family
Collaborative - Courageous - Compassionate
Roja dibistanê
Roja dibistanê
Derî saet di 08:40 de vedibin
Registration li 8:50 am
Ders saet di 08:55 de dest pê dike
Di saet 10:40ê sibê de veqetîn
Ders saet di 10:55 de dest pê dike
Nîvro saet 12:00 êvarê (Salên Destpêk û Qonaxa Sereke 1)
Nîvro saet di 12:15 de (Qonaxa Sereke 2)
Qeydkirin li 1 pm (Salên Destpêk û Qonaxa Key 1)
Dersa AT_CC781905-5CDE-3194-BB3B-136BAD5CF58D_1: 15 PM_CC781905-5CDE-3194-BB3B-136BAD5CF58D__C7191-BB3B-136BAD5CF58D_
Qeydkirin li 1:15 pm (Qonaxa Key 2)
Ders li 1:25 pm Key Qonaxa 2 dest pê dikin)
Dibistan diqede 3:25 pm (Salên Destpêk û Qonaxa Sereke 1)
Dibistan diqede 3:30 pm (Key Stage 2)
Ger zarokê we beşdarî yek ji klûbên me yên belaş û berfireh ên piştî dibistanê dibe, ew ê di 3:45 de dest pê bikin. Dema ku ew di 4:35 êvarê de biqede dê zarokê we zû were berhev kirin. . _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-138d_5c
Ger zarokê we is unwell ji kerema xwe roja yekem a nebûna xwe bi nivîsgeha dibistanê re têkilî daynin da ku em bizanin sedema ku zarokê we ji bo beşeke tevahiya rojê nikare biçe dibistanê. Ji ber rênîşandan û qanûnên hukûmetê yên têkildarî tevlêbûnê tenê sedemên pejirandî nexweşî an randevûyek bijîjkî ne (ji kerema xwe re nameyek an qerta randevûyê ya têkildarî randevûyan peyda bikin.) Ji kerema xwe hay ji xwe hebin ku ev yek tê de nîne randevûyan. Ger em têkildarî nebûna wan bi we re nepeyivin dê wekî tunebûnek bê destûr were tomar kirin.
Zarokê we jî dê nebûna bêdestûr werbigire heke, wek nimûne, ew ne li dibistanê be ji ber betlaneyên ku li hev nayên kirin, rojbûn, rojên malbatê li derveyî malbatê an ji bilî nexweşî an randevûyek bijîşkî her sedemek din._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_
Hatina zarokê we ferz e; zarok di dersan de zêdetir pêşde diçin ger qeydek wan a baş a beşdarbûnê hebe.
Key Stage 1
Doors open - 8:40 am
Lunch 11:45 - 12:45
Home - 3:25
6hrs 45mins
Key Stage 2
Doors open - 8:40 am
Registration: 9:00 am
Handwriting: 9:05 am
Phonics / Spelling: 9:20 am
English: 9:40 am
Break: 10:30 (UKS2) or 10:45 (LKS2)
Maths: 10:45 (UKS2) or 11:00 (LKS2)
Lunch 12:15 - 1:15 pm
Topic: 1:15 pm
Home - 3:30 pm
6hrs 50mins
If your child is attending one of our free, wide-ranging after school clubs, these will begin at 3:45. Your child will need to be collected promptly when they end at 4:35 pm.
If your child is unwell please contact the school office on the first day of absence to let us know the reason that your child cannot attend school for part of or the whole day. Due to government guidance and laws relating to attendance the only acceptable reasons are illness or a medical appointment (please provide a letter or appointment card relating to appointments.) Please be aware that this does not include routine dental appointments. It will be logged as an unauthorised absence if we do not speak to you in relation to their absence.
Your child will also receive an unauthorised absence if, for example, they are not in school due to holidays that are not agreed, birthdays, family days out or any reason other than illness or a medical appointment.
Your child’s attendance is imperative; children make more progress in lessons if they have a good attendance record.